what is mainframe?

what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field?

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / praveena

A mainframe is a high-performance computer used for
large-scale computing purposes that require greater
availability and security than a smaller-scale machine can
offer. Historically, mainframes have been associated with
centralized rather than distributed computing, although that
distinction is blurring as smaller computers become more
powerful and mainframes become more multi-purpose. Today,
IBM emphasizes that their mainframes can be used to serve
distributed users and smaller servers in a computing network.
Linux can be a software for mainframe

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / villan

Mainframe is a basically a type of computers which can
handle large amount of storage.

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / bernard thomas

Mainframe is used to describe a main computer which can
serve many users simultaneously. This done using a facility
like TSO.

Mainframe software is TSO (for simulutaneous use), COBOL,

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / om prakash yadav

No, i m not agre to yopu that main frame is used to
describe a main computer which can serve many users
it is true it will provide a envirnoment to work on
simultaneously but
it is depend on system configuration.
main frame is a system which is provide a facility to share
a server at a time many users.

mainframe software is TSO :- no

mainframe s/w
COBOL- Language
DB2- database
jcl controling lanauge
vsam - temporary store upto 2 GB.

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / sreeram

above ans correct. if we will go for front end . they need
to maintain no of server for each and every appliction
under one client itself.
For mainframe - only one server enough to hanlde all the
application. we can store huge amount of data. i.e
advantage in mainframe

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / aditya yadav

Mainframes are computers used mainly by large organizations for critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics, ERP, and financial transaction processing.

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what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field? ..

Answer / jiljil jiga

Mainframe is a frame

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