SSRange is used to do a range check on which of the

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SSRange is used to do a range check on which of the Following. SUBSCRIPT,INDEX,REFERENCE MODIFICA..

Answer / sunaina javali

SSRange is a compiler options,is used to do a SUBSCRIPT out
of range checking. NOSSRANGE is the default and if chosen,
no run time error will be flagged if your index or
subscript goes out of the permissible range

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SSRange is used to do a range check on which of the Following. SUBSCRIPT,INDEX,REFERENCE MODIFICA..

Answer / asmara

After going thru all the details i came out to know that:
For generating a code that checks if subscripts or indexes
try to reference an area outside the region of the table.
Reference Modification: will ensure that only the starting
positionand is not greater than the current length of the
subject data item.
But Run-time option: you will get range checking only if
you compile your program with the SSRange option and run it
with the CHECK(ON) run time option.

If i am wrong let me send a copy of answer to my mail.
Because i am in dilema that Run-time Option or Reference
Modifiers. So clear me if i am wrong or right.


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SSRange is used to do a range check on which of the Following. SUBSCRIPT,INDEX,REFERENCE MODIFICA..

Answer / dfjdf nsjf

Default is: NOSSRANGE
Abbreviations are: SSR|NOSSR
Use SSRANGE to generate code that checks if subscripts
(including ALL subscripts) or indexes try to reference an
area outside the region of the table. Each subscript or
index is not individually checked for validity; rather, the
effective address is checked to ensure that it does not
cause a reference outside the region of the table. Variable-
length items will also be checked to ensure that the
reference is within their maximum defined length.
Reference modification expressions will be checked to
ensure that:
· The reference modification starting position is
greater than or equal to 1.
· The reference modification starting position is not
greater than the current length of the subject data item.
· The reference modification length value (if
specified) is greater than or equal to 1.
· The reference modification starting position and
length value (if specified) do not reference an area beyond
the end of the subject data item.
If SSRANGE is in effect at compile time, the range-checking
code is generated. You can inhibit range checking by
specifying CHECK(OFF) as a run-time option. This leaves
range-checking code dormant in the object code. Optionally,
the range-checking code can be used to aid in resolving any
unexpected errors without recompilation.
If an out-of-range condition is detected, an error message
is displayed and the program is terminated.
Remember: You will get range checking only if you compile
your program with the SSRANGE option and run it with the
CHECK(ON) run-time option.

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