What is the difference between PIC 9.99 and PIC9v99?
How can you add a particular field in copybook?
How to Pass table from a cobol program to another cobol program and how to use that table in called program
how to access the file from prodution from changeman tool and to submit a file to production
Explain the configuration section of a cobol program with examples of syntax.
01 a pic s9(5) value '-12345' how it will be stored
Determine the total no of bytes in the following. 01 rec1. 02 a pic x(6) 02 b redefines a. 03 c occus 6 times pic 9. 02 d occurs 6 times pic 9. 03 e pic x(5) 03 f pic 999.
What is the default value(s) for an initialize? What keyword will allow for an override of the default?
How to change size of Initial number of records to *NOMAX for ALL PF files from perticular library, how can I do that
Can we change the password using ALTER? anyone tried and changed?
1.Can we define condition-name conditions in FD entry.
How many bytes will be allocated for the following record description entries? 01 REC-A. 05 A PIC S9(4). 05 B PIC XXXBXXX. 05 C PIC ____9.99. 05 D PIC S9(5) COMP-3. 05 E PIC 9(3) COMP.
16 Answers IBM, TCS,
A LESS 1200 IF B GREATER 25 MOVE 47 TOC ELSE MOVE 57 TO C IF A GREATER 249 MOVE 67 TO C ELSE NEXT SENTENCE ELSE IF B LESS 67 MOVE 27 TO C What will be the value of C, when A is 137 and b is 25