2 input fles: 2 flat files, with different number of records. both are having unique key for each record and already sorted in ascending order . match these files using unique key and in output only matching key value has to be written. please procide cobol logic
after udatingg first 110 rows, my job abends. now how do i change my cobol program so that when i restart the Job it will start updating from 111th row ( i.e in next run I di=ont want to update those 110 rows which are already been updated in the first run before job abend)
for an INITIALIZE and what keyword allows for an override of the default.
What do you feel makes a good program?
S9(5)V9(2) occupies how many bytes memory ?
input:- A 10 20 30 40 B 5 7 10 14 C 8 12 14 16.... output:- A = 100,B=36,C=50. Here spaces are considered between numbers. When we give input as above, the numbers should be added n displayed.So please help me out.
Can we change the password using ALTER? anyone tried and changed?
I have a COBOL main program which is calling sub program, the number of calling parameters used in main program are 4 whereas in sub program it's 5. Sub program is passing 5 parameters back to main program Will there be any compilation error? Or main program parameters displays junk values?
subscript and index r not coded in u r application program what will happen?
when COMP-3 is preferrable?
Why we need to use redefine clause when we can define the variable seperately... what is actual need....
At the minimum, which division of COBOL is enough to be coded?
I have one ps file in which there are 3 fileds emp_no,emp_name and leave_app.this ps file information give the detail of employee which is going to apply for leave.suppose emp_no=113430,emp_name=ajay,leave_app=1 that means he is going to apply for 1 day leave.and accordingling the table in db2 will be updated means if he has that no of leave in his account then he will get dat leave and updated acc. in table(leave_balance=previous leave present in table-leave_app).Now i want to check whther the updated result is correct or not by comparing the two ps file using IEBCOMPARE or icetool so what is going to be the two ps file and how its is going to be compare.