HOW do we find a datasheet when there are 4 datasheets in
data table.this question was asked by covansys interview.
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Answer / surya prakash
"SheetID" Variant Identifies the sheet to be returned.
The Sheet ID can be the sheet name or index. Index values
begin with 1.
to find the no of sheets in DataTable
"DataTable.GetSheetCount" method can be used
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Answer / manoj4testing
we can find a data sheet using sheet id or sheet name we can
access the sheet using its id or name in the script
(pls notify if i am wrong)
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Answer / salman
Yes when there are 4 sheets in a data table,each sheet will
have a distinct name or id.We can access each sheet with
its names.
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Answer / firoz shaik
when we create 4 different actions, then we can see 4 data
sheets(Local Sheets), excluding 1 Global Sheet.
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Answer / raghu
By giving different names to each and every sheet
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