If our application contain one image while executing script
application failed to show that image but you have to check
that image by importing dynamically from other location...
Can we use Check Points here on dynamically imported image?
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Answer / bfakruddin
As of my knowledge...
Validation means Comparing between the Expected Value and
Actual Value in Application.
Here, dynamically loading the pic means that is the
expected one... You are loading your expected Image.
really, do you need to validated again that loaded image
with expected image
Thanks & regards,
Baba Fakruddin.D
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Answer / satish j
I see that your problem is the path from where the image is
loading,if you are using a relative or absolute path you
need to ensure that it is pointing to the right image at the
right location.
Just checking against another path will not work ,probably
you will see the image and you can also validate that using
Image checkpoint but the purpose will not be solved as ,its
not the image its the path from where you are fetching the
Yes to check the image you can use the check point after
the dynamically imported image is populated.
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