What is the difference between views and stored procedures?
Can we have input parameters for views?

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What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?..

Answer / ashutosh jha

both can never be compares, as both have totally different

Well a view is a output of a query ,and makes a virtual
image of the table,and the input parameters are not accepted.

sp is a group of sql statements that are pre-executed and it
accepts the parameters.it reduces network traffic, gives
faster performance, etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 2 No

What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?..

Answer / chandana sriram

Well both of them aren't even compatible to compare and
tell the difference. They both belong to different paradigm
of database world. Anyways, here are the definitions I
would give you. A stored procedure is a set of sql
statements which can be called a subroutine to access
relational database systems. Its actually stored in a
daatabase. They are mainly used for faster access(Pre-
compilation of SQL statements) ,Simplification of data
management and for security.

A view as my friends have elucidated above is a virtual or
logical table that holds result set of a pre-defined query.
The data for these views are not stored in the database.
There are two types of view read only and updatable. You
can modify a read only view with an INSTEAD OF trigger.

Hope that makes sense :-)

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?..

Answer / grish varshney

views & stored procedure are basically different appraches.
both have their different purposes.
view is a virtual table. which have no data atall.which
difination stored in oracle system catalogue . whenever a
call is made every time the defination is scanned & a new
virtual table is made over the base table.
while stored procedure are the precompiled statements
which can accept arguments..

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?..

Answer / sandeep

At times, the database administrator might want to restric access of data to different users. They
might want some user to be able to access to all columns of a table wheras other users to be able to access only selected columns.The sql server allows you to create views to restric user access to the data.Views also help in simplifying query execute when the query involves retrieving data from maltiple tables by applying joins.

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What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?..

Answer / indhu karur

V can define a select-query that retrieves
specific information from one or more tables

A stored procedure can do much more: it can run
multiple sql-commands, has control-of-flow statements and

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What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?..

Answer / mukesh

All above answers are exactly correct.
In a different approach my answer is,
View is for Static approach. We cannot create a view with dynamic values.
SP is for Dynamic/Run-time values.

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