how would you write a sql query to compute a frequency table of a certain attribute involving two joins? What changes would you need to make if you want to order by or group by some attribute? What would you do to account for nulls?
i have table students with fields classname,studname select * from students classname studname 1 xxxxx 1 yyyy 1 zzzz 2 qqqq 2 tttt 3 dsds 3 www i want the output should be No of students in class 1 : 3 No of students in class 2 : 2 No of students in class 3 : 2
What is the cartesian product of table?
What is a collation?
What is the difference between system objects and user objects?
What is the difference between for trigger and after trigger?
If we shrink the Databse and Files, how much size is decreased?
How raid can influence database performance?
Explain how to use linked server?
What is a cursor in SQL Server 2000 and their types?
What is the use of Port no?
What purpose does the model database server?
Explain the types of indexes.