What is the example of Integration Testing?

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What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / sriharsha

Integration Testing is of two types:

Now the second one is usually done in cases where the
project is complex...or complexties involved so as to say.

Now lets take the eg as u wanted to know taking Top-Down
into account.

i will take the eg of Yahoo Mail.
Creating an account is one module
and logging into account is one module
yet another module would be clicking on Inbox
yet other module would be clicking compose and sending
clicking on options would be one more module

what we do is first we create one account
then try to log in( NOW DO U SEE V HAVE INTEGRATED TWO
once done...click in inbox and see mails.(Integartio done)
sim...do the same.
any doubts plz get back here.

Is This Answer Correct ?    116 Yes 18 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / er.rupali

**Integartion esting means the Interaction between two module and modules.
Integration testing focuses on checking data communication amongst the modules.
*approaches :Top up integration & bottom down integration approaches .
*Top up approach---Testing when the top modules ready to test but bottom module are not then one module will creat temporary module called 'Stubs' i.e Called Module.
*Bottom up approach---Testing when the bottom modules ready to test but top module are not then one module will creat temporary module called 'Driver' i.e Calling Module.

eg.take Yahoo Site.
When i will open the site page will open after giving valid Id password.login the page and it should give me direct mail box.
When i will click on sent mail it will show me sent mail box not other.
If i will click on back arrow it will go on previous page.
That to check the flow sequence of the screen is integration testing.
stub means:
in a project the login screen is completed and the inbox
page is also completed sent mail and compose mail are yet to
complete then to test the integration we use a dummy page to
direct when click on the compose mail and sentmail links.
Driver means:
login page is yet to complete and compose mail ,inbox etc
are completed to check integration we use a dummy screen
with some meassage like under construction and a login
button, on clicking login button in that dummy screen it
drives to inbox page this is driver

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 3 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / ashutosh dubey

Testing the data flow or interface between the modules or features

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 5 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / tarun

THE first example clicking inbox and goin to next page is just navigation from one link to other link so its not integration testing.In integration testing we check the data flow between the MODULES we have combined for example when you transfer rs500 to your frnd account,THIS is an right example becoz here data flow is going between two modules and change will take place in database

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 4 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / mudaseer

for example in phone take photo and check whether the photos are checking saved in phone memory or external memory

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / rohituppal

Integration testing is of 2 types

1. Big bang
2. Incremental

In big bang all the modules are integrated in one go.

In incremental, first 2 modules are integrated and then tested. then 3rd one will be integrated and so on.

Incremental is better then big bang because in incremental, step by step integration happens and errors are removed before integrating the next module.

Now suppose there are two modules A & B.

In integration testing, we'll send the data from A interface and check whether the same data is received on B interface or not. If yes, then the 2 modules are properly integrated.

It can happen that the same data is not received on B side. The data can get corrupted also.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / thivya

Calculator and a mobile phone are examples of integrated testing. Many functionalities should work together in a simulated way for it to perform properly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / eswaran k

integration testing is one module to another module and
there functional correctness
there are three types
1.code module
2.individual applications
3.client server application etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 5 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / indian

hi friendz..I would take the example of Gmail...

1.send an email from your inbox to another account say
abc.xyz@gmail.com and

2.login to abc.xyz@gmail.com(the one whcih u have sent the
email),check for the email sent by your account.

In this case, we can say the the two accounts have been
integrated. Hence ,we can conclude that integration test
has been passed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 14 No

What is the example of Integration Testing?..

Answer / saff5005

sriharsh is right about the example but i want to corect
that there r
big bang aprroach
incremental aprroach -----1.top down 2.bottom up

incremental approach are good than big bang approch becoz
as complexity of the prodcut increases the integration gets
difficult and if error occurs it is hard to find out what
caused and where it caused becoz we will be integrating all
the modules till the end becoz of the precondition that all
the modules which r to be integrated should be unit tested

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 14 No

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