Brief about yourself?

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Brief about yourself?..

Answer / abhijeet

When this question is asked, its is important that you
brief yourself in less than a para.

To begin with it is relevent that you begin with you
education as graduation or PG and then start with briefing
about your first work experience to the latest. The company
name, your designation and in brief what your roles and
responsibilities were in that profile.
Then berief about you family background.

This question is normally asked to get and inside of you to
know what have you worked as and your family background.

Is This Answer Correct ?    131 Yes 13 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / diva from vizag

first adress the HR.dont adress the HR as sir.ok then tell
about ur self.dont tell this is varun or some other name.
"this" is used for objects.simply tell i am varun.dont use
tough words to impress the HR.tell as simple as
possible.then after tell about ur qualifications.dont start
coming to my family background that wont be good.then tell
about ur family.just start my family comprises of four or
five ur wish.ok then tell about u r hobbies.dont stammer
when telling the hobbies.then tell about ur interests.ur
strengths, weakness,ur favourite dish,ur embrassing
moment,ur happiest moment,ur unforgettable moment,.at last
tell about ur GOAL

Is This Answer Correct ?    85 Yes 9 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / meraj

While introducing yourself, first of all, greet the
interviewer, and then tell your name. Then mention these

1: The place you belong to
2: Educational qualification (latest)
3: Technical qualification
4: Your achievements
5: Latest experience
6: Previous experience
7: Hobbies


Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 8 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / nayeem

Hi I am Nayeem, completed Masters in Information Technology.
I started my career working as a Hardware engineer,
my role was to assemble pcs troubleshoot pc problems. and
later I joined -------- as a system admin there i was
taking care of lab with more than 80pcs, in my roles i used
to conduct online examinations, supporting students in
project documentation, troubleshooting of pc problems arised
in due time, further to that i worked in UK as an IT
technician in a college ------ ............

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 15 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / aditya

good [morning,afternoon,evening],
my name is xyzzz,
i heil from xxxxxxx and i live in xxxxxx.
i completed my graduation from xxxx and i'm pursuing so and
so degree from so and so college under some xxxxx university.
we are xxxxx members in our father is
an xxxxxxx[ex my father is an engg in L&T] and my mother is
xxxxx[if she is a house wife tell him/her that she is a home
maker otherwise her designation] i have a brother[his
qualification or designation].
my hobbies are[tell ur hobbies]
and tell him ur strengths and ur goals

************AND DONOT TELL HIM UR WEAKNESSES****************
then greet him by saying thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 6 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / harish

Hi, Im Harishwar..I had completed my BE final in xyz college
specialised in ECE branch..I did my schooling in DPS..I had
completed my intermediate in ABC college..

--Family Background-----
When comes to parents, my father is doing in so and so
business,my mother is a home maker and i had one sister
pursuing her mba final yr now...

When comes to my achievements, i ahd participated in number
of chess ompetitons..the latest one is that I ahd
participated in inter college tournamnet and stood 1st..

My hobbies are playing chess and surfing internet..


Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / arivalagan

Hai, THis is Arivalagan.. First you start with your name and
eduacation backround after thar tell briefly about ur family
backround like how many brother and sister and what they are
doing etc.. then your ambition, hoppies and + point and - pt..
THis is suffiecient..thanking you

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 21 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / vijay 4757

when ever they ask this question
wait 3-5 sec then start
my name is vijay
i stay a BHEL
i belong to family of 6 members
coming to my educational back ground
i have completed my bachlore degree
and i have started my career
with icici outbond call center as a phone banking officer for
presently i am working for Rightlinx it is a US process
outbond call center as customer care ex
and my hobbies are playing circket and listing to music
and my strenghts are
open to learn ever thing and i am a challenging person

(that's it from my end anything else u want to know about me)
use this line after completing

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / vinod batta


Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 9 No

Brief about yourself?..

Answer / navdeep and prakash

Hello I am navdeep,i am 22 from patiala.
I have recently done my graduation from so n so college.
as far as my family is concerned my father is....... my
mother is.......
I have got a younger sister she is doing teacher
training.As a person i believe in hard work and
My hobbies are listening to music and playing cricket.
My aim in life is to build a stable and successful career
in ..........

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

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