u drag 2 sources from 2 diff dataproviders,how we take
these 2 sources into 1 single report,
how we give the link these 2 sources
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Answer / kvchowdary
by using data synchronization process..that means....
synchronization is the term used to describe the merging of
data from multiple data sources into a single block in a report
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Answer / suvarna
You can do a trick. Suppose u have different objects in
two data providers (lets dpA and dpB),dpA have product
related objects for example product code, product name and
dpB have customer related objects.U drag a object from a
dp, lets take dpA.Now when u try to drag a object from dpB
u will not be able.
For this , go to the tool bar->view data->definations->
link the object u want to drag(say customer name from dpB)
with any object from dpA ->select Ok.Now u will be able to
drag the customer name from dpB. U will see that data
displayed in the report is not correct.Now again go to view
data and unlink the objects->select Ok.
Now u will get the correct data in the report.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sunil sethi
Both of the above answers are correct.it get linked
automatically if the objects have the same name in 2 data
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ravi
Basically we merge objects from two or more queries in one
webi report, so that we can use them in same block.
Mandatory condition to merge objects is to have Same data
Normally Merged dimension will work as Left or Right outer
join and not as Full outer join.
If you want to use Full outer Join you can use extended
merge dimension Values option in document properties .
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