Hi frnds,im roopesh. i got job in an MNC company on FAQ
experience(2.6yrs)..though i know the subject,but i dont
know the real time process in a company. so pls can any one
tell me vat is the work that i get first & what should i do
? in starting day ven i enter into company vat is
environment there ? so pls frnds send the answer soon & give
me support plzz..thanking u all.....
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / roopesh
2.8 lacks p/a. i got in sintel..they asked about my current
project & my role in that project,what is sanity
testing,what is bug life cycle?, wch tool u used in ur
company for bug reporting & its format, & what is ur project
architecture ?, what is test director ? what are qualities
of a tester ?.. these are the main.. remaining are smal
defenitions.. sunitha , dont worry u will get good job in a
big company.. im also got recently. im waiting 4r 1year. so
dont worry b happy.. al d best ......
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / siri
Hi,first and foremost thing is u must be able to configure
your company mail id with outlook express.And the day one
itself u are not going to be alloted for the project,so
utilise that time to know the folder structure wat they
follow,and if it is possible try to create in ur local
machine.If u are alloted for the project just check ur
responsibility in configuration management(any how ur lead
will tell u).U must be concious about your daily
activities,if they told u to refresh your knowledge w/o
alloting project u just maintain daily activities in the
form of template,they may come and ask u to show wat u did
all this time then u will be able to answer him by showing
that in ur system.This is total about non technical
matter,i dont know how far it will help u.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / roopesh
siri, im so much tankfull 2 ur valuble answer.. tank u siri
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
hai this is sunithayaganmurthy.firstfall all the best for
ur success.
first u goto the company u can study the project documents
(SRS).first u understand the functionality after u will
take the requirment for ur projct leder.after u test the
project .
be confident roopesh.dont loose ur confidence level
testing is very simple compare to other platforms ok. utest
how many possibilitys are tested in the project.
If any mistake is thr please excuse.
(roopesh how much pacage are coaded in 2.6 years
experience ?
which company?what questions asked interviewr?
can u please tell me)
Iam working in a small software industry in manual
testing .Ihave six months experience. thatsy Iam asking .
ok roopwsh all the best
keep smiling
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / roopesh
subha & siri tank u very much 2 u both 4r giving ur valuable
answers.. tank u frnds ....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sham
Hi Siri,
I also personaly thanks to u fr ur gd guideline which is no
doubt useful for every Tester who enter in big companies
from small company.They always feel some pressure related
to their New task.I just want some more details from ur
side that In which format we mentain our daily work report
in ,(Idle situation) when we dont have any assignment in
New company .Pls tell this in brifly
Thanks a lot.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / nag
This Information will help ful to everyone .
Thanks Roopesh,siri,subha and sunitha for sharing your
valuable experience.....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
hai roopesh iam ranga iam planing for faq pls send details
abt faq conseltants and i have no inter i did my
graduation in distance and iam parsuing mca(alagappa
distance ) can i ealgibel for testing jobs pls send details
to my mail id comparing with my education right know iam
learning testing in ameer pet my mail id
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
What is the difference between latent and masked defects?
what is test design techniques ?
Describe any bug you remember in an online shopping web application?
there is a module that module assigned to two employees.In both of them one employee made a mistake so how can we identify who is done that mistake.
write test cases forthe function f=a+b ?
how will you test window media player?
please make me understand what is client server and web application?
Plz anyone help me to write testcases for squar,Triangle,Rectangle and Circle.
how can u differentiate intgration test cases with functional test cases
what is defect clustering and pesticide paradox?
6 Answers IGT, Optimus, SOS, Verifone,
i have 2.5 years of experience in manual testing and qtp. can anyone say me what kind of questions do they ask on manual testing and qtp.
what is telcom Testing and how is it performed is the same methodolgy used for telecom testing as its used for web application