Could some one help me the difference between GetTOProperty
and SetTOProperty and when we will use these properties. and
what is meant by SetToProperties..
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Answer / sreekanth chilam
I hope Jyothirmai's answer is not right....
Actually GETTOProperty stands for "Get Test Object
All the objects which are identified & stored in Object
repository by QTP during design time are "Test Objects"
In order to retrieve the above test object's properties ---
we will use GETTOProperty method.
seTOProperty Stands for "Set Test Object Property".
For the above test object, if we want to change the
property values during run time(Only)...then we will use
this "setTOProperty"
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Answer / sudeepthz
Thanks Jyotirmai. and i have one more question that when we
will use this get visible Text property??
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Answer / king
TO - means text objective properties.
1). GetToProperty --
i will one example one "OK" button is there that button
contain some some properties i.e., 24 properties but some
of mandatory properties are stored in to the OR. (Like
native class, button)
If u wants to know any property of that "OK" button u can
get this GetTOProperty method.
2). SetToProperties--
for example the "OK" button 2 mandatory properties are
stored in OR. if u want to add one more property at Run
Time that is temporarily. you can set the property using
SetToProperties method.
i hope this is Right answer....
if this is wrong plz let me know...
plz mail me
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Answer / raghu
GET TO property is used to get the TEXT OBJECT Property
value of an object at the time of execution.
SET TO property is used to change the property valu of an
object at the time of execution.
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Answer / jyothirmai
In the application some values get changed in run-time, if
you want to get those values we will use GetToProperty.
And at the same time if we want to set the propertiy of
any object we will use this SetToProperty
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