what is smart identification?

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what is smart identification?..

Answer / jyotheeswar

It is alternative solution to recognize Non-Standard objects

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what is smart identification?..

Answer / vijay

Smart identification is a mechanism provided by qtp,which is
used for identifying the objects even though some properties
are dynamically changed.

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what is smart identification?..

Answer / raju

QTP uses smart identification to recognize the objects
those are not recognized with mandotary properties of the

Smart Identification is nothing but an algorithm used by
QTP when it is not able to recognize one of the object. A
very generic example as per the

QTP manual would be, A photograph of a 8 year old girl and
boy and QTP records identification properties of that girl
when she was 8, now when

both are 10 years old then QTP would not be able to
recognize the girl. But there is something that is still
the same, that is there is only one girl in

the photograph. So it kind of PI (Programmed intelligence)
not AI.

When should i use SMART Identification?

Something that people don't think about too much. But the
thing is that you should disable SI while creating your
test cases. So that you

are able to recognize the objects that are dynamic or
inconsistent in their properties. When the script has been
created, the SI should be enabled,

so that the script does not fail in case of small changes.
But the developer of the script should always check for the
test results to verify if the SI

feature was used to identify a object or not. Sometimes SI
needs to be disabled for particular objects in the OR, this
is advisable when you use

SetTOProperty to change any of the TO properties of an
object and especially ordinal identifiers like index,
location and creationtime.

For more information go thru this link


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what is smart identification?..

Answer / satyanarayana

Smart identification is a mechanism used by the qtp in order
to identify the objects while normal method fails to
identify the objects.Normal method fails due to the presence
of more no of objects of same type and also presence of
dynamically changed object(propeties are changed dynamically)
Here qtp will uses properties like base filter properties
and optional filter properties.

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what is smart identification?..

Answer / anupama

"SI" is used when the object properties like
Mandatary,Assistive and Ordinal Identifier are not
sufficient to recognise a particular object.

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what is smart identification?..

Answer / venkat reddy

Smartidentification is a special mechanism provided in qtp
to recognize the non standared objects or the objects which
are not identified by Mandatory as well as assistive

when Si is used?
when the QTP is not identified the objects while executing
the script we will use SI
it will add more properties from Base fileter and Optional
filter properties and try to identidy if at all not
identified yet,
it will mix the basefilter and mandatory as well as
optional and Assistive then ony one of the property is
surely identified at last
Thanking You,

please correct me if i am wrong...,

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what is smart identification?..

Answer / mahesh.k

simply smart identification is nothing but identifying the objects by using base filter and option filter properties. it uses qtp when it fails to identify object with respect to mandatory and assistive properties.

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