i have two questions for regular expression :-
Q1. I have date pattern
Que- if any separator is there between date,month and year pattern should match else it should not match
eg- pattern should not match in case of 2911-2011
Q2. let say i have a string and there is a number in between of that string
eg.-Amount 30002.234 successfully credited to your account .
now i have to match this pattern in such a way that even if decimal is not there pattern should match ,how i will do this using regular expression
X=10,Y=20 you need to swap the numbers without using a third variable?
what is recovery scenario in QTP? what is the need of the recovery scenario in QTP? what are the advantages of the recovery scenarios in QTP?
how to test Web application using QTP software
Can we use Virtual Objects in Discriptive Programming?
What is the difference between QTP and WinRunner? Why do you choose only QTP for automation among remaing tools like Rational robot and silk test? Write the VBscript for any functionality in your project ? What is the cost of QTP ? If you entered into yahoo mail with your valid user name then you will get FOR EXAMPLE , " welcome to krishna " on the top of inbo page , how can you test it in QTP? What type of testing you can do, when we gave you 5 screens and how can you test that application? What type of framework you are using in your company and explain it?
what r the send key commands in QTP why they r used
Explain getroproperty and gettoproperty & settoproperty?
How to capture a window in qtp or how to take snapshot of any window while writing script in qtp
what is run-time object in qtp? explain with example?
in QTP we test web based application at that time what script is run? is support vb script? plz tell me
Consider one application is open, clicking one menu will open another application in another browser. QTP does not catch the URL of the second browser(second application). can we capture it ?
How to connect to oracle(sqlserver) database to QTP