will rapid test script wizard works in web testing?
What is the difference between Two Tier and Three Tier Architecture?
12 Answers HCL, TCS,
What is the actuall process of Smoke and Sanity Testing in companies
IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is less than 44 THEN reject it ELSE IF ASCII_CODE_OF_ENTERED_CHAR is greater than 56 THEN reject it ELSE it's a digit, so accept it Which one of the following sets of ASCII codes do you use to test the sample code above WITHOUT redundant coverage?
0 Answers CA, Dish Network, Wipro,
I need information on sales domain?need modules information for online shopping projects for project.
What is the difference between test case result and a bug?
Who will prepare FRS(functional requirement documents)? What is the importent of FRS?
What is the difference between Unit Testing and Debugging?
What is the exact difference between Integration & System testing, give me examples with your project.
what is difference between Sanity testing and Smoke testing?
EXPLORATORY testing means?
If I have written the test cases for any module.And some features are added/removed to & from that module then what should I do with test cases?
what is patch,abbrevate SCD,CAPA
1 Answers Ordain Solutions, Verinon Technology Solutions,