In SilkTest we have a function Except Log which displays the path of the error occured in a Script.In QTP do we have any function like that?
22551.Whats the use of GNAC(Generator Neutral Accessory Compartment) 2. why generator or any other system require Neutral Grounding and not Phase grounding 3. what happens if any one of the phase is grounded. 4. if 15kv is grounded directly what will happen, why it should not be grounded like that 5. use of of NGTR(Neutral Grounding Transformer and Resistor) for grounding is helpfull and how
5 26840Post New CSS Interview Questions
What are the two types of indexes and explain them in detail?
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What is binary safe function in php?
What do you mean by redo log file mirroring?
What is the use of ansible vaults?
On android services, onstart() and onbind() are the same?
Where is the (,, etc.) Source file?
What is Expression Trees?
Is there a way to enable easily switching between multiple source code providers?
How do you improve the performance of a SQL Azure Database?
What is the difference between a scrollbar and a scrollpane?
What is orm in spring?
What is sap transport domain controller? : transportation management
Explain about drill down report?