How to schedule the report in Cognos? And i have 2 users
u1,u2. how to schedule the report for these 2 users(the 2
users will get result once for a week) but u1 get the
result on every monday to his inbox,and u2 get the result
on every wednesday to his inbox.
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Answer / arijit mondal
Create two different Jobs, with two different sets of
parameters and delivery schedules, options. U can use the
same report if You wish to send the report output as email
attachment..or create a Report view if You wish to secure
the Report outputs by user. Hope that helps
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / harry
Example - Schedule a Report
You can schedule entries that are stored in Cognos
Connection, such as reports, queries, and agents, so that
they run at a time that is convenient for you.
In this exercise, you will learn how to
save a report as a report view
schedule a report so it runs daily
use the schedule management tool to view the status of the
You are a business analyst for the Great Outdoors company.
You want to schedule the Return Quantity by Product Line
Chart report because some people in your organization need
the data updated daily. You schedule the report to run
daily, and then check that it is properly scheduled.
Things to Notice
When a report runs according to a schedule, the report
output is saved and appears in the Action column in Cognos
At any time, you can click the arrow next to the help
button, and click Go to the Welcome Page to return to the
Cognos 8 Welcome page.
Open Cognos Connection:
Start your Web browser.
In the address bar, type the URL supplied by your
administrator, and then press Enter. The URL looks
something like this:
In the Cognos 8 Welcome page, click Cognos content, click
the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) package, and then click
Query Studio Report Samples.
Locate the Return Quantity by Product Line Chart report.
You can also use any one of the Cognos sample reports.
Create a report view for a daily view of the report:
In the Actions column, click the create a report view
button next to the report.
In the Name box, remove the words Report View of from the
beginning of the name, type (Daily) at the end of the name,
and then click Finish.
A new entry appears in Cognos Connection, with the report
view icon .
Schedule the report view to run daily:
For the entry, in the Actions column, click the schedule
button .
Under Frequency, click the By Day tab.
Accept the default time and other defaults.
Click OK.
Check the schedule:
Next to the my area icon , click the down arrow, and click
My Activities and Schedules.
Click Schedules.
In the Filter pane, select Any status and Any priority, and
click Apply.
If you are accepting the default settings, you will not see
any changes in the schedule.
Your report view appears in the list of scheduled reports.
Try on Your Own
Modify the schedule so that the report runs weekly.
Tip: In the Actions tab, click More, and then click Modify
the schedule.
Permanently remove the schedule.
Tip: In the Actions tab, click More, and then click Remove
the schedule.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / rizwan
Buddy the simplest is by creating Report views....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 4 No |
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