what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?

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what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?..

Answer / sj

Exploratory Testing: Exploratory Testing can be a creative,
informal software test that is not based on formal test
plans or test cases, testers may be learning the software
as they test it.

Ad-hoc testing: Ad-hoc testing is similar to exploratory
testing, but often taken to mean that the testers have
significant understanding of the software before testing it.

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what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?..

Answer / satyaprasad

Ad-Hoc testing ,generally every testing team conducts
formaltesting on the build ,in some situations like lack
of time ,lack of domain knowledge and lack of documentation
testing team conducts informal testing they concentrates on
the main functionalities this is called 'adhoc testing'
Exploratory testing comes under the catagory of adhoc
testing ,testing conducted by the testing team with out any
documents is called 'Exploaratory testing'.

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what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?..

Answer / srinivas reddy

Exploratory teting: In this testing testing engg., retting
100% knowledge in that application testing engg., are
previous knwledge,internet browsing,team disccusions,vedio
conference with customers and avilable documention tet engg
are concentrating on system testing.This style of testing
is also called as artistic testing.

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what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?..

Answer / k.ram

-Exploratory testing:exploratory testing is approach of
software testing.where there is simaltanes exploratory the
application preparing the test design and execution.when
performing the test there is no exact experted result, the
tester decides what will be verified. It is done when
requirement are in complete or there is lake of time.

-Adhoc testing:Adhoc is part of exploratory testing the
only difference is simaltanes learning and knowledge on the
existing product.

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what is the diff between ad hoc and exploratory testing ?..

Answer / josephwarnel

Exploratory software testing is a powerful and fun approach
to testing. Exploratory testing is especially useful in
complex testing situations, when little is known about the
product, or as part of preparing a set of scripted tests.
The basic rule is this: exploratorytesting is called for any
time the next test you should perform is not obvious, or
when you want to go beyond the obvious.
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