What are the Techniques to be followed while writing the
Test Cases?
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1. Boundary value analysis
2. Equivalance class partition
3. Error guessing
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Answer / varshab
Hi all
Actually each one of you have mentioned black box testing
techniques.The testing techniques which we'll follow for
writing test cases will depend upon what technique we have
adopted.1)Black Box 2 )White Box.
If we'r following black box then below are choices for that.
1)Equivalence partitioning
2)Boundary value analysis
3)State transition
4)Decision tables
5)Use case testing.
For white box testing we'll follow below methods.
1)Statement coverage.
2)Path coverage
3)Decision coverage
4)Data flow.
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Answer / hemakumar
1.Boundary value analysis(BVA)and
2.Equilance class partition(ECP)
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Answer / ramprasad.s
1. Boundary value analysis
(The Input Stream is Divided into diff classes
Like Numerical, Alphabetical, Alpha-Numerical,
IF required Special char's).
2. Equivalence Partitioning
( Here The Inputs Are Tested with Boundary Conditions
say Max 4 chars &
Min 1 char
Then the Boundary Condition will be
UPPER LIMIT N = 4+1 & N = 4-1
LOWER LIMIT N = 1+1 & N = 0
(i.e N = 0 is Null value).
Error guessing
Check The application with Random Inputs.
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Answer / sasidharcyt
hi friends
either one technique or all three should follow?
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