What if the machine doesnt show entry in Network neighbourhood and its showing it in Active directory users and computers?
3 8119This is question is for system testing: What are Global catalog server, Schema Master and other NDTS roles ?
4 12118Post New Symantec Interview Questions
What does out mean c#?
Which keywords are used to handle exceptions?
What is information_schema in mysql?
Can you handle pressure?
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what are all the versions of cognos and cognos8 as well as mention all the advantages nd disadvantages in cognos8 versions. any one plz answer this question.
How much does it cost to get windows 10?
What is phantom memory?
describe synchronization in respect to multithreading? : Java thread
What is ganglia is used for in ambari?
How do nephrologists work collaboratively with other medical specialists in patient care?
What is the output of the following php code?
What is __ init __ functions?
How to work definite,over pluxing,revers power,OSR relay
Give example scenarios when an application goes into inactive state?