What is severity and priority?Give some examples of
severity and priorty and high severity & low priority and
viceverse and also explain each.

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What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / swetcha

Severity:seriousness of defect wrt to functionality

!High:without resolving the defect we r unable to continue
!Medium:compulsory to solve but able to continue
!low:May or may not be resolved.

Prority:Importance of the defect wrt customer
When we go for examples
1.user interface bugs[low severity]
Eg1:Spelling mistake(High priority)
Eg2:Improper allignment(Low priority)

2.Input domain bugs:[medium severity]
Eg1:Doesnot allow valid values(high priority)
Eg2:allows invalid type also(low priority)

3.Race condition bugs[High severity]
Eg1:Deadlock(High priority)
Eg2:improper order or services(Low priority)
like this there r many,but the thing is that as the name
severity itself says seriousness,
based on the seriousness created by the bug we give priority
ie., importance

suggest me if there is any mistake

Is This Answer Correct ?    100 Yes 19 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / gayathri mani


(Application point of view)
how much impact the bug going to do in the aplication

(Cuosotmer point of view)
which bug should be rectified first)

If am wrong please correct me.......
Byeeeeeeee friends

mail id:gayacsc@gmail.com

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 8 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / tester

Severity: how much impact is on system due particular bug
is defined in severity: this is upon a Tester's analytical
skill how he interpreet the bug.
Sometimes sevrity will change in testers and sevelopers
point of view.
In Web Application Link is pointing to different location
may behigh severity

Priority: How much importance to be given for particular
bug such as
In Web Application Link is not working may behigh priority

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 4 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / preeti


Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 2 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / nani

u r correct

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 16 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / vikki

Priority: Precedence, especially established by order of
importance or urgency

Severity : The state or quality of being severe.

Severity - Severity is basically determined by how severe
the problem is to the business, such as how many users are
getting affected or is the application's core business
function is not working properly, transactions are not
committed etc... Priority - Based on the severity one
arrives at the priority, I really don't think priority will
stand alone without conjunction with severity. As simple as,
if the problem is severe to the business, then it becomes
top priority. Next, one might argue why do we have both
severity and priority, since when the severity is high then
automatically priority is high. But in certain cases,
severity might be high but priority might be low since we
might have some time to resolve the issue completely. For
instance, when there is work-a-round to the issue or when
technical team has proactively found a bug in the system,
which will cause major business functions failure, but then
this bug will occur only when certain program is run and
this particular program is only executed one in a week or
month or year etc. And technical team has found this bug
early in the week or month or year. In such cases, severity
is high, but priority is low since there is some time before
we could start fixing it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / indu sharma

Severity:With respect to the functionality of the product.
Priority:With respect to Business; how does a particular bug impact the business.
Ex. Low priority & High Severity:If an input field is to password from 5-30 characters & if application crashes only when user inputs a 30 character-length password then its a High Severity & low priority.

Ex. Low Severity & High Priority :If the logo is wrong in the product. or if any spelling is wrong in the home/title page.

Ex. Medium Priority & Medium Severity: If a particular feature is not working in a certain condition, but user is not blocked totally.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / ramesh yampalla

PRIORITY:The importance of the defect with respect customer requirement.It is related to developer.

SEVERITY:The importance of the defect with respect functionality of application.it is related to tester.

These are 4 types

1.High Priority and High Severity
2.High Priority and Low Severity
3.Low Priority and High Severity
4.Low Priority and Low severity

1.The example of High Priority and High Severity.

if ur application related to electrical bill,and
ur paying electrical bill monthly.Then it has to fix immediately.I mean should not delay it.Then at that we will consider it as a high priority and high severity.

2.The example of High Priority and Low Severity
If ur going to start one company,at that time ur company logo will miss.Then we will consider that issue as a high priority and low severity.Because in this competitive market if u miss logo page then it will be very difficult.

3.The example of Low Priority and High severity

If ur paying electrical bill yearly wise .Then we will consider that issue as a low priority and high severity.

4.The example of Low Priority and Low severity

If u have registered one page,at that time if it shows instead of "u have registered successfully"......."u have registered success".Then we will considered it as a low priority and low severity.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / kishore kumar yadav

Severity:Defects which are related to the functional issues.

Priority:Defects which can Impact Clients or What is the Impact of the Severity bug to the Client.

Ex: In all the mails which are triggered to the client have presence of a Special Character '#&' . However the data in the email is sent correctly.

This will be a MEDIUM Severity bug and HIGH Priority bug.

Please let me know if its correct.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

What is severity and priority?Give some examples of severity and priorty and high severity & l..

Answer / kairam

Severity is given based on impact of functionality where as
priority is given based on timelines

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 4 No

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