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Answer / rahul singh
There are so many bug tracking tool. TD is one of them. For
reporting bug we can take screen shot as well as short
description of that bug and steps to reproduce.
For tracking the bug we do regression testing in next build
and checks that bug has been fixed or not.
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Answer / geena
There are so many bug tracing tool in the market. In case
of QC there is a pane for defects. You click on defect it
is very self explanatory.
There is bug ID, Severity, Priority, author, statas ect.
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Answer / polu sujan kumar reddy
at the time of execution of Test Cases we find defects.Using Tracking Tools Like Bugzilla,Quality Centre<Track+ e.t.c.. we reporting these bigs to Development Lead at that time the Status of defect is NEW then after the status is changed to Open,Fixed,Fixverified,Re-Open ...
Defect tracking means after submitting the Defect the Developer will change the status to Fixed, for that Fixed defect we perform Re-testing if it is Fixed Status is changed to FixVerified,if it is still exist the status is changed to Re-Open, after that the defect life cycle is continueously.
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