Hi Friends...this is surendra..recently i joined automation
team ...Please send me some documents regarding VB
script ...and where can i learn VB script...
This is My mail id: surendra.mamilla@gmail.com... please
send to my mail....
Thanx in advance
Answer / praveen k s
i dont hve any document.. but i can tell u.. browse
www.w3schools.com, u can learn vbscript easily...
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Can we Run the Tests developed in QTP 8.2 in advanced versions like 9.0, 9.1, 9.2...etc.,
please send detail navigation for merging of object ripositories in QTP 8.2
3 Answers Infosys, Ordain Solutions,
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I have a drop down box to show selected number of records in result page.It contains 4 items like 10, 25,50 and 100. when i was recordes script for seelcting each item and checking selecting number of records in the result page( it is in the same page in the table format)it is generating a new page with same controls( objects) in the OR. how to avaid these in OR? is it possible to write DP for only these lines?, remaining(remaingin lines of code) objects i want use from OR only. One more problemis if change ( add /remove properties of an OBJECT in OR , my ( recorded )application is not running.