How you can write contexts to text file in qtp?
How to find if given number is prime or not
what frame work you are following?
How you calling actions in qtp?
which command u will use to access the application through descriptive programing?
What are the different types of functions available in qtp and explain ?
what is verification & validation?
what is vmodel?advantages and disadvantages of vmodel?
What is quicktest professional?
How can I generate customized logs in QTP ?
Can I use datatable of Action1 in the Action2.
How to perform action on objects, If two objects have the almost the same name ? example : Object 1 : "Entry of Items" Object 2 : "Items" Whenever I ask QTP to perform an action on Object 2 it performs action on Object 1. Note: The two objects are present in an Oracle Application tree.
In QTP where i have to concentrate more in the Interview point of View