wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records
from table supose table hving thousands for records

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wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / shubhra

This query will give last three record in the table in the
same order.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Test1 (
[ID] [int] ,
[FirstName] [varchar](25),
[LastName] [varchar](25)

INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES(1, 'Bob','Smith')
INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES(2, 'Dave','Jones')
INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES(3, 'Karen','White')
INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES(1, 'Bob','Smith')
INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES(4, 'Bobby','Smita')

select identity(int,1,1) as SlNo,* into #temp from Test1

select * from (select top 3 * from #temp order by slno
desc) a order by slno
drop table #temp

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wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / lakram5455


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wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / nitesh srivastava

select * from emp
select * from emp where rownum<(select count(*)-2 from emp)

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 10 No

wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / tulasi ravi kumar

hi this is tulasi ravi
id - ravi106109@gmail.com

select empno,sal from emp where rowid in
(select rowid from emp
select rowid from emp where rownum<=(
select count(*)-3 from emp))

feel free to mail queries,,,.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / kumar

very good kumar
a sweet and simple query
i tink u can go to microsoft for work
wat a query it is
good keep it up

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wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / bobby

select * from table_name where <Primary key Column-
name> != all
(select top (@@rowcount-3) <Primary key Column-name> from

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wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / pawan k. dubey

1-select * from employee where emp_id >(select count(*)-3
from employee)

2-select * from employee where emp_id in
select top 3 emp_id from employee order by emp_id DESC


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 6 No

wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / arun kumar k s

drop table #temp select identity(int,1,1) as SlNo, * into
#temp from TABLE_NAME select top 3 * from #temp order by
SlNo desc


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wat will be the sql query to extract only last 3 records from table supose table hving thousands f..

Answer / varun

select column_name from table_name 997,1000

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 14 No

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