What is "scheduled jobs" or "scheduled tasks"?
write a query to remove duplicate records without using primary key column?
What are the type of joins? When do we use Outer and Self joins?
How to create a new login name in ms sql server?
How do I open a .db file?
What are various limitations of the views?
Explain about remote stored procedure?
Table student containing 2 columns,Join date,Employee name. Under join date 4 rows r ter =1-jan-2008,2-feb-2008,3-mar- 2008,4-feb-2008.Under Employee name 4 difeerent names jaison,robin,binoy,rahul Result set is, Table containing 4-column name=jan,feb,mar,april,,beneath these months count is given as 1,2,1,0 means these counts representing number of emplooyees joined in a month(january 1employee,february 2 employee,march 1 employee,april 0 employee) Can you give me the required sql query
What is the default schema of your login session in ms sql server?
Explain different types of self contained sub query?
What is a non-clustered index?
what are the problems in logshipping?
How can we Use Linked Server? Uses of Linked server