By using Filter Transformation,How to pass rows that does
not satisfy the condition(discarded rows) to another target?
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Answer / brahmareddy
filter transformation can't captured the rejected
files.rejected files are not appeared in session log or
rejected files
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Answer / sandeepbabu
in router transformation:Each row will be input for router transformation.
IF Row is TRue:for Uesr defined group condtion the data passes to the next transformation or target table,
IF Row is Flase:Uesr defined group condtion data will be passes to default group in router transformation
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Answer / rajesh
Hi, We can do this in two ways.
By using Filter transformation and By using router transformation.
By using filter transformation take two filter transformations and take two targets one for given condition and another for unsatisfied condition.
By using Router Transformation create one new group and give the condition take two targets and create pipeline between router trans and target1 and default group to target2.
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Answer / abidu
Connect the ports of the filter transformation to the
second target table and enable the 'FORWARD REJECTED ROWS'
in the properties of the filter transformation. the
rejected rows will be forwarded to this table.
pls let meknow if i m wrong anywhere.
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