what is the productivity in aluminium shuttering per day
What is the snap size in civil and how can we create it?
what are the stress act on circular slab?
what is the minimum compressive strength in 7 days for m20,m25,m30
Define What is a kip?
what is a pretension and post tension with an example
I have an plot with area 35*47 = 182.77 sq yards. Out of this iam planning to construct house with 1350 sqfeet each floor .iwanted to build a G+2 house.Need cost estimation for each item
how to calculate dry density of cement,sand for mortar of brick masonry
What is mean by uniaxial bending
why does the most of civil engg is not intersted to going for teaching field?
what is the multiplying factor for diffrent types of pcc/rcc ratios?
I have an span length 16 ft c/c
How to calculate the quantity of cement mortar 2" for mosaic tile fixing 12"x12"?