Draw a SLD for main panel for school having connected load of 1200kw and emergency generator 200kw.also show the increase of additional load of chiller 225kw in the lv panel indicating meter postion size of transformer ,cables and capacitor bank.
Why all voltage levels are the multiples of 11KV?
What are the technical reasons for soaking transformers for various times before allowing them to pick load after a fault ?
what is the use of spst switch in performing experiment on self excited dc motor?
When do you use a VFD motor?
Maintenance of transformer???
what is the d/f b/w dol & star delta starter.
What is main purpose of chock coil and starter in florescent tube ?
Is it possible to protect 3phase overload and earth fault of the 3phase system using two CT's.
Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?
20 Answers GPIL, Infosys, Jakson, L&T, Secure Meters,
why transformer fuse wire is very thin as compared to home fuse wire while voltage lavel is low
how to increase senstivity of ct
why is efficiency of transformer more than that of other rotating machines?