there are 2 variables called x and y ,x contains 1,2 and y
contains 3,4 we have to swap the values from x to y and y
to x with out using dummy variables and it can be done only
by using a single statement ? how?

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there are 2 variables called x and y ,x contains 1,2 and y contains 3,4 we have to swap the values..

Answer / parivesh sinha

x number:=1;
x1 number:=2;
y number:=3;
y1 number:=4;
x := y1- y;
dbms_output.put_line (x);
x1 := y1+1 - y;
dbms_output.put_line (x1);
y := x +x1;
dbms_output.put_line (y);
y1 := x1+1 +x;
dbms_output.put_line (y1);

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there are 2 variables called x and y ,x contains 1,2 and y contains 3,4 we have to swap the values..

Answer / santhi k



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