what are myisam tables? : Sql dba
What types of commands can be executed in sql*plus?
what is the correct way of selection statement a. select/from/table_name/orderby/groupby/having b. select/from/table_name/groupby/having/orderby
5 Answers HCL, JPMorgan Chase,
I want to create synonym for table emp but in my pc it is giving insufficient previliges.I am using user scott.Please suggest me.
what is difference between delete and truncate commands? : Sql dba
Can we insert in view in sql?
What are different types of indexes?
Can we use ddl statements in stored procedure sql server?
Mention what is the function that is used to transfer a pl/sql table log to a database table?
how can create data base link for tow servers (scott schema) give examples plz
How do I create a sql database?
Why do we go for stored procedures?
Explain what is rdbms?