What is cursor in pl sql?
Is it possible to Restore a Dropped Table using Rollback Command in Oracle SQL Plus ?
What are different types of keys?
What is trigger and how to use it in sql?
What do you mean by “trigger” in sql?
Can I join the same table twice?
What is normalization? dec 2009
What does “select count(1) from tab” result?
What are all the difference between Like and Contains ?
Q1.all the depts which has more then 10 empls? Q2.all the dept which does not have any emply? Q3 all the emp which does not have any dept? Q4 get all the emply detais with the dept details it dept is exit otherwise any emp details? Q5 how to debugg the dynamic sql and packages?
Why we use cross join?
Difference between inline query and stored procedure?
How to avoid using cursors?