Is it possible to Restore a Dropped Table using Rollback Command in Oracle SQL Plus ?
how would you enter characters as hex numbers? : Sql dba
what is a tablespace? : Sql dba
What are sql commands?
What is sql profiler in oracle?
What is pl sql in oracle?
Explain exception handling in pl/sql?
Determine if oracle date is on a weekend?
How does sql*loader handles newline characters in a record? : aql loader
How do you update f as m and m as f from the below table testtable?
Do ddl statements need commit?
Explain what is sql*plus?
I Have A Table Like This. Cityno Cityname Mails 1 Bangalore 8km 2 Hsr Layout 20km 3 Mejistic 30km 4 Jayadeva 55km 5 Itpl 80km 6 Hebbal 115km I Have Data Like This I Want O/p Like This Distance No.ofcity 0-50km 3 51-100km 2 101-150km 4 And So On