If a button named "CLICK" is recorded in low level
recording mode , what will be the values stored for "name"
property of that button in object repository ?
wht is Automation testing frame work. pls explain it
Function to convert lowercase to uppercase in QTP Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...
Our company is having a windows client server application developed in vb.net. so there is a treeview and i am not in a position to record the click events in QTP. so kindly help. Vivek
How many types of parameters are available in quicktest professional (qtp)?
Can we record an application running on a remote machine using qtp?
I have 5 save buttons in 5 tabs . The tabs are placed one after the other. My object repository have these added as 5 save buttons with name sav1, save 2, save 3 , save 4, save 5 .all are getting highlighted from OR but they are not getting clicked. After spying each button all the properties are same except First button Index 0 html id:=btnSaveTab1 outerhtml:=<input id=""btnSaveTab1"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a1').click();"" name=""btnSaveTab1"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">", Second button "html id:=btnSave "outerhtml:=<input id=""btnSave"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a2').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">", Third button "html id:=", outerhtml:=<input id=""btnSaveTab1"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a1').click();"" name=""btnSaveTab Fourth button "html id:=btnSave outerhtml:=<input id=""btnSave"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a2').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"" 5th button "html id:=", "outerhtml:=<input class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a5').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">",
What is the use of sendkeys.In which cases we Use this sendkey.Pls explain with example.
Could any one tell me "How can i recognize my cursor position using QTP 9.2" Give me a scripts for this
What is Regular Expressions?
plz tel me what is the differnce between QC & QTP?
Explain about business process component? types and usage?