What is pl sql record in oracle?
Is mariadb nosql?
How many types of cursors supported in pl/sql?
if we give update table_name set column_name= default. what will happen? its given in pl sql block.what will hapen?
what is Hash join?how it is different from inner join?what is the sign used for inner join?(eg: like the (+) sign used for outer join)?
What is the use of pl/sql table?
When you have to use a default "rollback to" savepoint of plvlog?
What is rownum and rowid?
What are the constraints available in sql?
Which type of cursor is used to execute the dml statement?
using cursors salesman get bonus as 10% of their salary , managers get 20% , analalist get 30%. generae a report showing the employee name, salary , bonus.
How can multiply values of a column? OR How can multiply value of a row of a column using a single query in SQL?
What are the steps you take to tune(performance tuning) the code in plsql?
4 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS,