What is the use of pl/sql table?
What is compiled query?
Display the total debit counts, total credit counts, sum of total debits, sum of total credits from an employee's transaction table (a single table) containing the following columns. Transaction_number Transaction_amount Transaction_date Transaction_type --> tells if the amount is a credit or a debit. As the query alone is important, the table is left with specifying just the field's name. Pls help me with this query.
What is the use of stored procedures?
How can we debug in PL/SQL?
How to call the function and Procedure in trigger?
Does pl sql work in mysql?
i have 2 table table one 4 columns respective values a1 7,a2 6,a3 8 ,a4 12 & table two 4 colums respective values a1 7,a2 6,a3 8,a4 15.if table one & table two 3 colums same then 4th column values 1)Qes diff >5 then print 5 * diff value 2)Que diff <5 print 5
HP Interview -2016 Unix 1) grep command in unix 2) what is set command
What is the diffrence between IN and EXISTS.which one is faster.
Can we perform dml on view?
What is the sql case statement?
Explain architecture of sql server notification services?