What is rownum and rowid?
what is a database? : Sql dba
What is sql mysql pl sql oracle?
1.when will you use week refcursor and when will you use strong ref cursor ? 2.what is the use of sql trace..how do you use it ? 3.can you please send all the sql plus commands...like set line 6000....
Can we connect to postgresql using sql developer?
how to add a new column to an existing table in mysql? : Sql dba
How many functions are there in sql?
How can we schedule the procedure to run automatically ?
What is the difference between the conventional and direct path loads? : aql loader
What is the source code of a program?
If there are 1 to 100 numbers in a table and in that 100 numbers some 10 numbers are deleted.I want to find out the missing numbers between 1 to 100 by pl/sql how?
define primary key & secondary key?
What is dense_rank in sql?