What are the features of pl sql?
what is the maximum length of a table name, database name, and fieldname in mysql? : Sql dba
Can we call a function containing dml statements in a select query?
What are analytical functions in sql?
I have a tablle like this. cust acc --------------- a 1 b 2|3 c 4|5|6 I Want below o/p: cust acc ----------- a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 Please any one can you have any ideas share me. I have urgent requirement.
What is the syntax and use of the coalesce function?
Table Student has 3 columns,Student_id,Student_Name & Course_Id. Table Course has 2 columns, Course_Id & Course_Name.Write a query to listdown all the Courses and number of student in each course.
What is the purpose of a secondary key?
where are cookies actually stored on the hard disk? : Sql dba
What is sqlca in db2?
What is spool?
Why schema is used in sql?
What are the topics in pl sql?