What is the syntax and use of the coalesce function?
how to show all tables with 'mysql'? : Sql dba
Why truncate is used in sql?
Why is partition used in sql?
If we have n no of columns in a table, can we add new column in that table with not null constraint?
Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_date)
what is the difference between primary key and unique key? : Sql dba
Explain the select statement in sql?
how to add a new column to an existing table in mysql? : Sql dba
1. is it possible to use the cursor atttibutes (%found ,% rowcount , %isopen , %notfound ) to our user defined cursor names ....... cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp if you use... cursor_name%found , %rowcount ,%isopen,%notfound...will it work... -------------------------- 2.what is the difference between the varray and index by table .. -------- 3. type type_name is table of number(8,3) index by binary_integer; identifier_name type_name; first , last , prior , next ,trim are the methods we can use it for the above type...simillary is there any way to apply for cursors... with thanks and regards..sarao...
Is natural join and inner join same?
in procedure how to return a value
what is the cursor and use of cursor in pl/sql ?