What is function and procedure in pl sql?
How the execution will be done in exceptions?
how can we take a backup of a mysql table and how can we restore it. ? : Sql dba
What company owns postgresql?
What is replication id?
What are the PL/SQL Statements used in cursor processing ?
What are local and global Indexes and where they are useful.
How do rank () and dense_rank () differ?
What is a Mapplet?
what is isam? : Sql dba
What is the maximum size of sqlite database?
How to return multiple records from procedure?
I have a tablle like this: cust acc ----------- a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 I Want below o/p: cust acc --------------- a 1 b 2|3 c 4|5|6 Please any one can you have any ideas share me. I have urgent requirement.