What is a Mapplet?
name 3 ways to get an accurate count of the number of records in a table? : Sql dba
what are all different types of collation sensitivity? : Sql dba
How can use stored procedures in sql?
what is the correct way of selection statement a. select/from/table_name/orderby/groupby/having b. select/from/table_name/groupby/having/orderby
5 Answers HCL, JPMorgan Chase,
Explain the difference between sql and mysql.
What is nosql db?
how many tupples can insert in 1 second in sql
What is difference between primary and secondary key?
Where not exists in sql?
what is Difference between Having and Where clause?
In a distributed database system, can we execute two queries simultaneously?
What is the difference between unique and primary key constraints?