what is isam? : Sql dba
When is a declare statement required?
Is coalesce faster than isnull?
What is pl sql architecture?
How to add a column ‘salary’ to a table employee_details?
Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)
24 Answers Cap Gemini, iNautix,
What is range partitioning?
Can we create clustered index without primary key?
How do you go back in sql?
what are the tunnig tables you used for tuning a query and tell me some of coloumns in that tuning tables?
a table has 2 classifications 1)liabilities 2)earnings this liabitity has 2 elements with 2 input values and the earnings have 2 elements with 2 input values i wrote a query so that my input is liability savings amount1 amount2 xxxx null xxxxxx 0 xxx1 null xxxxx1 0 null yyyy 0 yyyy null yyy1 0 yyy1 my problem is --when i developed a report(d2k) with this data my o/p is liabilities,amount1,savings,amount2 xxxx xxxxxx xxx1 xxxxx1 yyyy yyyy yyy1 yyy1 how could i move this savings,savings values 2 palces up. can any body provide me witha better solution
what is the Default Libraries for Oracle Report 6i
When are we going to use truncate and delete?