Stubborn (a)willing (b)obstinate (c)pliable (d)easy
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What are your strengths and weaknesses? Give an example of this behaviour
why u want to join call center why did you resign from previous company
what is primary domain controller?
Which person you admire most in your family and why?
I wanted to know about the career in Call Centers ? I am a Graduate, I have good command over English. - How I can build my career in call center domain ? - What is the actual career path ? - Should I go for any specific course or education before actually applying to call center jobs.
I am an engineer , i went an interview to call center they have asked why you have choose BPO?
how can we explain bpo
Extra initiative by u in your current organization other than your Key Result Area (Routine work).
please mail me the questions which are asked at the time of interviews in the call center
Complete the story ? "Last night i was passing through a graveyard ..... or "Last night i was passing through a street .... complete the story.......
wat is ur holiday favourite holiday spot
7 Answers DELL, Genpact, HP, IBM, ICICI,
what are your long and short term career goal