Can a table have two primary keys?
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Answer / karunakar reddy
No,In the entire table,there will be only one primary key.
A primary key is nothing but a collection of one or more
coloumns used to identify a row in a table.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 110 Yes | 28 No |
Answer / dev lamani
no a table can have only one primary key.
u can make one or column to have primary key
that is called a composite primary key
Is This Answer Correct ? | 61 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / suresh somayajula
A table can have Only One Primary key. But a table can have
composite Primary key. that means we can create composite
primary key
upto 16 columns only.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 52 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / sankar
yes any table has only one primary key.but the basic idea
of pk is ....primary key=NOTNULL+UNIQUE KEY.which we can
give any column to a table and act as primary key
Is This Answer Correct ? | 60 Yes | 28 No |
Answer / vaibhavi_dixit
A table can have only one primary key constraint but it can
consist one or multiple columns.If a primary key is made up
of more than one columns then it is know as composite
primary key.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sowmya
A table can have only one primary key.but a primary key can
have two column fields
Ex i have a employee table.and i have fields eno,ename,esal
i can declare primarykey(esal,ename)
let me know if i am wrong
Is This Answer Correct ? | 20 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / satish reddy
Each table can have only one primary key; however, that key may consist of more than one column.
SQL> create table EMP(EMPNO Number(5),EMPNAME Varchar2(10),ADDRESS Varchar2(10),Constraint Multi_Constr
aint Primary Key(EMPNO,EMPNAME));
After creating table try to insert null value into EMPNAME Column, it will throw an error "cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."EMP"."EMPNAME")"
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / rahul khanke
primary key is only and only one in a table.
it may be in more column in table means
In one table --one primary key and more than one column on
the same table
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / murugavel. u's possible when, a table contains more than one
fields. we can able to set the primary for two or more..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 2 No |
create table emp
(empno varchar2(10) constraint empnopk primary key,
e_id varchar2(10) constraint eiduk unique not null);
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 5 No |
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