Which one of the following is a reason that an INSERT
statement might cause an error instead of executing

1. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record
into a view that was created from more than one table.
2. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record
using a combination of constants and values from an
existing table.
3. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record
with a non-NULL value into a table that has that column
defined as NULL.
4. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record
into a table by selecting a record from that same table.
5. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record
into a view rather than a table.

Which one of the following is a reason that an INSERT statement might cause an error instead of ex..

Answer / tulsi

1. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record
into a view that was created from more than one table.

we cannot modify more than one base table through a join

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