Can we use view in stored procedure?
What is scalar data type in pl sql?
What is over () in sql?
How does postgresql compare to oracle/db2/ms sql server/informix?
How do I create an index in word?
Is there any problem if we use commit repeatedly after each dml statement in a plsq procedure ? (eg. there are 10 update stmt and using 10 commit stmt after each update stmt)
Write the order of precedence for validation of a column in a table? I. Done using database triggers. Ii. Done using integarity constraints
What is pl sql variable?
What is dml and ddl?
Is sql better than access?
What's the difference between inner join and left join?
how do you restrict number of rows for a particular value in a column.For example:there is a table called fruits,having apples,bananas ,papayas.I dont want to have more than 100 apples in that table ,so how can u restrict number of rows for apple to hundred?
Can we use view in stored procedure?