How do I create an index in word?
What is difference between hql and native sql?
what are the differences between public, private, protected, static, transient, final and volatile? : Sql dba
- Types of triggers - View - Dcl - Procedures, packages, functions - Metasolve - Can use Dcl in triggers - package case study - Cursor and its types - triggers schedule - Wrap - Why we are using fetch and for in cursor. difference?
What does “select count(*) from tab” result?
15 Answers IBM, Student, Wipro,
Is join and inner join the same?
What is the execution plan in sql?
What are the different ways to optimize a sql query?
How can you create an empty table from an existing table?
Mention what does plvtab enables you to do when you showthe contents of pl/sql tables?
Use The Implicit cursor to Query The Department table information Where Deptno is 30.check,if no record was found then print "Record Was Not Found".Else Print Deptname And Ename.Dept table Have Dname Varchar2(20),Deptno Number,EnameVarchar2(20).Please Answer In 2 mins,with in Maximum 15 lines.
What is pl sql quora?
Can we create table inside stored procedure?