What is constraints and its types?
what are statistics, under what circumstances they go out of date, how do you update them? : Sql server database administration
Explain difference between cross join and full outer join?
Hi all, can any one please tell me the difference between sql server 2008 and orace 9i
How many columns can exist together per table?
what is syntex second or third highest salary. thanks & Regards Dhirendra sinha
What is SubQuery in SQL Server 2008
Can you explain what is indexed view? How to create it?
What is “begin trans”, “commit tran”, “rollback tran” and “savetran”?
Tell me can we use custom code in ssrs?
How to handle errors in Stored Procedures. I want to display a message to the user in the .aspx page that is calling a stored procedure in it's code behind. please help me.
What will be the maximum number of indexes per table?
What is set nocount on?