What is set nocount on?
Explain having clause and where clause?
Where do you find the default Index fill factor and how to change it?
Explain about Joins?
What is oltp (online transaction processing)?
What is function of CUBE ?
Suppose i have one sql query that contains 2 minute to execute.After one weekly i am executing same query that is taking 5 minute.Why our same query is taking more time.what would be my approach to reduce execution time.Please help.
1 Answers Cognizant, HCL, Value Labs,
Why we use trigger in sql server with example?
What is blocking in SQL Server? If this situation occurs how to troubleshoot this issue
what are the new features introduced in sql server 2000? : Sql server database administration
What is 'Join' and explain its various types.
What is Trigger?
can an order by clause be used in a creation of a view?